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Over the past 20 years technology has advanced at an exceptional rate—we’ve gone from landlines with coiled wires to having mini computers in our pockets. That’s a pretty big evolution and as we progress it’s important that we safeguard privacy, because although having the knowledge of the world at our fingertips is super beneficial, there comes a lot of potential risks concerning our privacy online.

If you’ve done any research into data privacy or measures you can take to safely browse online then you might have come across the term Private DNS. Or perhaps you’ve been looking at your phone’s settings and see an option to “turn on” Private DNS and you might think to yourself, what is “Private DNS” on my phone? An average person may not know what Private DNS is and that’s a-okay because we’re here to explain it to you and answer all your questions regarding this internet tool.
Let’s go ahead and jump into:
- What is Private DNS? (and how does it work)?
- Should I use Private DNS on my phone and other devices?
- What is Private DNS on my phone and how do I set it up?
- How do I set up Private DNS on Android
- How do I set up Private DNS on Apple/IOS
- How can I set up Private DNS on my computer?
- How do I set up Private DNS on Windows
- How do I set up Private DNS on Mac
- REALLY: The World’s First Fully Encrypted & Private Phone Service

What is Private DNS? (and how does it work)?
To understand Private DNS we need to break down what DNS is as that is the important part.
In the simplest terms, DNS is basically the phonebook for the internet, which has been said by many to explain the concept. You remember the phonebook right? That big, thick book full of phone numbers to many businesses and families all in the area? DNS is that but for websites…in a sense.
DNS stands for Domain Name System, and a domain name is an easy to use and easy to remember address used to search and connect to websites. For example, when you type in google.com the “google” part of the web address is the domain name. The system part is what makes those simple searches possible.
Normally each website is made of a bunch of numbers put together called an IP address. An IP address is “a unique string of characters that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.” DNS is used so that instead of typing in a series of numbers into the search bar each time, like for google.com, you only have to type in “google.com”. It’s a technology not many know the name for but use everyday when they have to type in a website.
As you type in a website name the DNS Server will connect and convert that domain name into the corresponding IP address in milliseconds.
How do DNS “Servers” actually work?
Now that you have an understanding of DNS, you may be wondering how it actually works. Here’s a quick step-by-step process to how DNS Servers work:
- Let’s stick with our original example of using Google. When you first type in “google.com” into your search bar, your computer and/or phone will then send a query to a DNS Server. (A query is “asking for confirmation based on the information presented”).
- That “query” is then looking for one thing: translating that domain name into an IP address.
- The DNS will then look up the domain name through its vast database and will then translate that request for the name into the IP address, sending you to your intended destination- in this case google.com.
Congrats you now understand the broad strokes of DNS and how it works! Now’s the time to get into why you’re here and explain what a Private DNS is and why it’s on your phone.
Since you know that DNS Server(s) make internet searching convenient- (not having to memorize a series of numbers for every website you want to visit is an avoided headache for sure), you can see why they’re used. But that’s not to say there aren't any privacy concerns. If someone with a bit of tech experience is connected to your wifi or you’re out in public, at a coffee shop for example, and you’re connected to the public wifi there- someone else could essentially commandeer your searches and know exactly what you’ve been looking up. That means every single search you make can be accessed by the wrong person with the right tech experience.
Private DNS mode is a setting that allows you to use a custom DNS server rather than the one provided by your current internet service provider. It sends you network data, your internet searches, to safe and secure DNS servers rather than ones based on your ISP (internet service provider) or free public wifi connections. Private DNS mode makes it certain that all your web browsing is encrypted.
Private DNS mode can be used not just to keep away the odd ill-minded character, Private DNS mode can also keep away unwanted monitoring from your ISP that could end up selling your searches to third-party advertisers. You know, those times when you search for new headphones on your computer and then when you’re browsing through social media later in the day all of sudden you’re getting headphone advertisements? Yeah, that.
With Private DNS mode on you can be rest assured that every search you make is secure.
- Good to Note: Always use a trusted Private DNS source, since it’s the internet, there’s going to be scammers out there trying to get you to “secure” your data through their own Private DNS provider but in actuality they want to monitor what you search. Do your research beforehand if you’re considering using a third-party Private DNS provider.

Should I use Private DNS on my phone and other devices?
According to Consumer Affairs, 97% of Americans own a cell phone, and in these times where everywhere you turn you’ll most likely find someone that has a cell phone that’s browsing the internet, listening to music, texting, calling, etc- it’s imperative that your online privacy is secure, and Private DNS mode is just one simple way to ensure that security.
Private DNS mode is an easy and more importantly, effective way to prevent others from tampering with your DNS history. There are third-party Private DNS providers that are trusted brands like Google Public DNS, Cloudflare, and Quad9 which is a non-profit organization.
Since pretty much everyone you know owns a phone, you know that your phone is a nifty device that can store a lot of personal data and that is a blinking red light for hackers to go after your phone and try to get that personal information from your favorite handheld device. An unsecured DNS search can lead to some unwanted probing, but with Private DNS mode, you’ll be able to sweat less as your searches are protected not just at home but in public spaces too as connected to public wifi poses more of a risk for a cyber attack.
And Private DNS mode isn’t just limited to phones, although that’s the main reason we’re here to discuss, it can also be utilized on your computers too- more on that later.
What is Private DNS on my phone and how do I set it up?
Your first thought to enable Private DNS mode on your device might be to try to download a third-party app and start that way- but you probably don’t need to do that as most Smartphones nowadays come with a Private DNS mode option and we’re going to tell you how you can enable it if you have an Android and/or Apple device.
- Good to Note: Depending on your software version and what Private DNS provider you use, these settings may look a bit different on your end. Instructions may vary.
→ How do I set up Private DNS on Android?
Android covers a lot of different brands of devices, so your journey to get to your Private DNS mode may involve clicking different buttons than what we’re going to tell you, so we will try to give you two widespread routes to take for your Android device:
Route One:
- Open the ‘Settings’ app
- Click on ‘Network & Settings’
- Click on through to ‘Advanced’ where you’ll see ‘Private DNS’
- Select ‘Private DNS Provider Hostname’ and then type in your chosen Private DNS provider, for instance you can type in: dns.google if you’re looking to go through Google for Private DNS services
- Hit ‘Save’
Route Two:
- Open the ‘Settings’ app
- Click on ‘Connections’
- Then click on ‘More Connection Settings’
- Select ‘Private DNS’ and then type in your chosen Private DNS provider: dns.google but if you already see the name of your Private DNS provider there, just click on that instead of typing anything in
- Hit ‘Save’
→ How do I set up Private DNS on Apple/IOS?
For Apple/IOS devices, you’ll need to do a bit more inputting:
- Open the ‘Settings’ app
- Click on ‘Wi-Fi’
- Then click on the 🛈 icon towards the right of the name of the Wifi Network you are using or the one you want to set up Private DNS mode on
- Scroll down till you see ‘Configure DNS’
- Click on ‘Configure DNS’ and you’ll see options like Automatic - Manual - and your IP Address under ‘DNS Servers’
- Select ‘Manual’ and it will prompt you to do one of two things, one is to ‘Add Server’ under the DNS SERVERS section and second thing will be to ‘Add Search Domain’ under the SEARCH DOMAINS section
- You’ll want to ignore the ‘Add Search Domain’ and only click on the ‘Add Server’ option, there you will be prompted to type in the preferred server address for your Private DNS provider- (whatever provider you choose will let you know what their server address is from that website)
As you can see with Apple/IOS devices you’ll have to do a bit more shuffling around but at the end of the day it’s a pretty easy process overall!

How can I set up Private DNS on my computer?
Now that you have your phone set up with Private DNS you might be curious about your laptop and/or desktop and if it has a Private DNS mode…
Good news it does! Here are the methods to enable Private DNS mode on Windows and Mac computers:
→ How do I set up Private DNS on Windows?
Setting up Private DNS on Windows is pretty easy, it just takes a few steps:
- Click your Windows Key (the key with the four squares on the bottom left side of your keyboard usually next to your Alt and Fn key)
- Type in “Network and Sharing Center” into the search bar and click on it
- Once ‘Network and Sharing Center’ is open, then click on ‘Change adapter settings’
- Select ‘Properties’ then select ‘Internet Protocol Version 4’ or ‘Internet Protocol Version 6’ (both will lead you to the correct place)
- Click ‘Properties’ again and then click on ‘Use the Following DNS Server Addresses’ and type in IP address(es) for your Private DNS provider
- Click ‘OK’ to finish
→ How do I set up Private DNS on Mac?
Setting up Private DNS mode on Mac is also pretty easy to do:
- Click on the ‘Spotlight Search’ or click on the ‘Apple Menu’
- Click on ‘System Preferences’ and then click on ‘Network’ (sometimes the “lock” is on in the lower left-hand corner of the pop up, you can click on it to unlock it and there shouldn’t be any further problems accessing the page)
- Click on the network you want to set up your Private DNS mode on if you happen to have multiple connection from one wifi source and then click on ‘Advanced’
- Click on the ‘DNS’ tab and then click on the + button to add your Private DNS provider’s IP address/name
- Click ‘OK’ and then ‘Apply’ to make sure your changes save
And with a few easy steps along with a few clicks of a button you’ll have enabled Private DNS mode on all of your devices! These options might be a bit hidden to the average person but now you have the info you need to enable Private DNS mode on all of your friends and family member’s phones and computers.
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Private DNS can protect your online browsing from third-parties, cyber attacks, scammers, and hackers wanting to get a look at your online searches and personal information. Plus setting it up on your devices, both phones and computers is pretty easy and everyone can do it if they follow a few steps! In this day in age protecting your online footprint is important and having the tools to do so like Private DNS mode and encrypted phone services like REALLY makes it even more desirable.
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